Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I love the thought of writing.  I also think I have these clever funny things to say and share but when push comes to shove I don't seem to have it.

This is my first post of 2011 and it's October 26th.  Cleary life has taken over!

I want to be as creative as I think I am in my head but there are so many things going on.  Sometimes I don't even know where to start.

So today, I start here.

I hope to be this wonderful mother who does it all, doesn't every mother want that.  I am in the process of trying to take over a family business, I have two beautiful boys, a wonderful husband but no time for anything!  Monday comes and then all of the sudden it's Sunday night again.  Where does everyone find the time to do those things you think are important, I just can't seem to get there.

Perhaps today isn't the day my creative juices flow but perhaps today is the day to turn on the press and see what happens.

Hopefully I will write again tomorrow or maybe next week but the goal is to write every week!

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