In the random case that anyone was actually reading this or managed to hang on during all the large and expansive breaks. I think that it's time to say goodbye.
I can't quite pull the plug to close the blog because I want those posts, I want to see them and remember them. Someday when I figure out how to print them or save them somewhere else I may close the blog. Also it's staying here just incase I realize I can't stay away.
The reason I started the blog was to share my thoughts, write, share experiences and such. I think in the beginning I might have done that but this year. 2014 I didn't.
The past few years have been very hard and like I said in a previous post, I learned a lot about me. I learned my strengths and my weaknesses. I learned that as much as I say my family keeps things close and doesn't share that much, I am the same way. I learned it well and have mastered it.
I thought I could share them here but I just can't. Everything seems to personal and I just can't handle the concern. It's so nice and thoughtful but my defenses kick in and once the concern comes, I start to say and think I mean. I am fine.
It's not always true but to share is too much.
I feel like I am doing the blog and the people that might follow a disservice by not sharing my real life. Sometimes I don't even share my real life with my closest friends. It's all too scary and I haven't quite mastered it. These are things I need to work on. While I will still write, it just might not be here.
I need to work on me, my family, my parenting, my marriage, my friendships, my life! These are the important things that need love, care and my attention.
So with a sad face on, I bid my lovely Kids, Life and Shoes adieu!