Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Scholastic was one of the benefits of my kids going to daycare. 

I realize that some people find those handouts annoying and just a waste of paper. it!

It's like getting the Sears catalogue in my world.  I am the aunt that buys books!  The mom who gets so excited to pick out books and is thrilled when they arrive.  I look over them intently putting stars beside the ones I want, names beside some for presents and then I have calm down and actually pick a few that the boys will really love.  Some days I have to be strong and realize we have a ton of books and at some point Joel is going to lay down the big NO card on book orders!  I figure if I maintain some restraint that he won't pull it out.  Doing good so far.

I am not the only one who is excited on scholastic delivery day.  I am happy to report that Liam told me on the way home from school today " Miss Gallagher put a surprise of a whole bunch of books in my communication bag"  this was said with glee and excitement!!!!

We made it in the door and they opened up the book bag to get at the new books!

Today's book order!!!!

Nothing makes me happier than happy reading little boys.....well unless they are snuggling like this!
Aren't they just the cutest!!!
Happy Reading!!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

ombre's everywhere.

Sometimes I believe and what I really mean is I am totally right!

I believe that most trends are accidents, someone didn't actually sit down and think of a trend and then someone made it.

Someone made something, either by accident or on purpose and the powers that be deem it cool!  It soars from there.

Ombre hair ***

This was not a thought out trend.  This is a result of letting ones hair grow out!  Instead of keeping up the blonde highlights, they were left to grow out!

I have been rocking ombre hair for YEARS!!

Just in slightly less versions.  However, going through my pictures to see if I could find a really good one made me realize a couple of things. 
One, I am not in the majority of pictures, which to me is a shame.  I like a good picture of me!!! haha!
Second, I am either wearing a hat or have my hair up in most pictures!  I should probably do my hair more!

Moving on:

Ombre nails....

Probably the first time was a nail polish mistake that looked cool!

I barely get the time to paint my nails, so I have nothing to show here!

Ombre Clothing>>>

I feel that it gave textile people a way to use up their mistake textiles and clear out the warehouse.  Don't get my wrong, I like some of it but some of it just looks like they made a gross miscalculation on the amount of dye and the dye time!

This is a tie dye job gone a little astray but with a pretty outcome! trend!

Ombre baking---

I kind of feel this one was born out of lack of food colouring!  I have done this, many years before it was cool because I couldn't quite get the colour I was searching for and only had so much frosting.  So I started to frost the cupcakes with what I had, two at a time, adding a little more food colouring as I went.  Looked pretty but was create out of need.

Now it's given a name and it's cool!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Thanksgiving....a time of thanks

My son was asked what he was thankful for at his afterschool program the other day.

His answer: Candy!

yup, that's my kid!  We are working a expanding that answer to include a little more!!!

It got me thinking, what am I thankful for.?

I am thankful for cries for mommy at 2:30am because your bugbite hurts (last night)...because I know he knows I will always be there!

I am thankful for morning snuggles when your son is looking at you and it's oh so early!

I am thankful for those glorious mornings when my husband gets up and makes coffee and sits with the monkey's while I lay in bed...going back to sleep doesn't always happens but just laying is nice!

I am thankful for my parents because I don't know if I could be a parent without them!  I know I woudn't be the parent I am if it weren't for them being my parents!!!  (I know, lots of "parents" but it's true!)

I am thankful for date nights, to find my husband again!

I am thankful for family game night and movie nights!

I am thankful for family hockey on the deck when Liam says that girls can play hockey!  He wasn't so sure for awhile!~

I am thankful for smudged supper on my sweater because the boys just can't wait until supper is over to give me hugs!  (or they just really want to get my clothes dirty)

I am thankful for my friends, knowing they are there for me when things are happy or sad! 

I am thankful for giggles, hugs, snuggles and belly laughs!

I am thankful for my two adorable little men, Liam and Rhys; a little smile, hug or "I like your neck-a-less mommy" can turn any day into a great day!

I am thankful for Joel, who has to put up with alot and still loves me, thinks I beautiful and occasionally thinks I am as funny as I think I am!

What are you thankful for??

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Don't ya hate pants??

This is a little view into my theory on pants.  My friend Adele and I took this 20 sec recap on pants and have pushed it a little too far sometimes but that's normal.

Homer wants to burn his pants and if you ever watched the show, he loves to be without pants.

I don't exactly agree with Homer but there are many days that I do hate pants, not perhaps for the same reason as Homer.  And just as a little disclaimer.....I was about 15 when I decided this was a cool reference and I am unsure why it never left me!

I have a 34" inseam for pants to touch the ground.  I am sure you are thinking, oh it must be so nice to have such long legs.  Why yes it is, I do actually love them however, covering them is a whole other issue!!!!!

High school was bad enough trying to find pants that were long enough but then by some stroke of luck, I grew another inch after high school and could finally stop saying " I wanna be 5'10 like Cindy Crawford"  because I achieved that goal!!

For those of you that don't understand that glorious quote, it's from Clueless!  (one of my all time favourite movies)  Judge if you must but I will not be told differently!!!  I often have clever one liners from that movie go through my head for many occasion in my real life.  Usually I keep them to myself because it's not as fun to have to explain it but if Amanda is around, there is no need for explanation!!!

Anyways, I veared off topic for a moment.


Pants really have been my nemisis for years.  When I find a pair that fit and are long enough, it's like a magically moment and I want to buy multiple pairs.  Which usually is what happens.  The thing is that I usually can't buy them around my hometown.  Different lengths is more available than it was before but still I don't think everyone is using the same measuring stick!

So finding pants that just fit and can be worn with flats is pretty good but then I live in constant fear of them shrinking in the washing machine (it happens!!!)  Finding a pair for wear with heels that are taller than 2 inches is a little more challenging.  But then trying to find cute shoes that are 2" is also challanging!

So I have a collection, some are very old but I have managed to keep them in good condition.  These are dress pants that I speak of.

Jeans have a whole other level of trauma!  Sometimes you think they are long enough and then they hit the washing machine.....boom, you are giving them away to your short legged friends!  Jeans to wear with heels, even harder but finally doable.

Cords, forget about it.  Although the lovely world of skinny jeans has brought some cord love!  Skinny jeans are great when they aren't made for someone who is uber skinny and wanting to flaunt the bum cleavage. 

Skinny jeans with a nice medium size rise........wonderful!  The reason for this is, it's ok if they only come to my ankles!  They still look cute with flats, booties and great tucked into tall boots!

Yoga pants.....another tricky situation.   Find a pair, buy multiples

Gym pants or fleece pants for around the house!  Impossible!  So if you ever see any long ones out there let me know.  My search continues!!

Even after this rant, the pants I have problem with aren't even mine!

My little monkeys just keep growing and my smallest monkey is getting taller everyday.  Pants,they don't fit, everyday!

So in my organized rubbermaids of clothes, I assume I will be finding some wonderful size 3 pants!


I have lost pants!!!  They are no where in my house.  Somehow they have either been thrown out or given away by mistake.  Devasted, I am!

Now, not only do I need to buy Liam new pants....because we all remember my back to school prep.  He's getting close.
Now I have to buy size 3 pants for Rhys.....not fun!

But on a good note, I have plently of size 4's!!!

I hope everyone has a hassle free pant day!