Clearly I am not very good at this and no one reads it so what does it matter.
Christmas is fast approaching, are you ready? That's the question everyone asks. Hmmm, am I ready? Have I spent a ridiculous amount of money for approx 1 hour of fun? Yes. Have I decorated my house with lots of red and green? Yes. Are my children so very excited for Santa Claus to come because he will be bringing them presents? Why most definately YES!
So I guess I might be. I have a 3 year old and a 9 month old for these holidays. My house is going to be a crazy zoo on Christmas morning. One can hardly wait for presents and the other will eat everything in sight.
Do you we really need this? Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas! I just sometimes wonder if we are missing everything. I know my children are young but will they grow into knowing what Christmas is about?
I have bought a ton less than other people, my kids don't need anything but I want to see their faces when they get something they really want.
For now, that's it.
Maybe after this, I will get organized to post more often.
We will see, if someone actually reads this, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!